
Rainyday Tune
To meet an old lover,
is like walking through a forest seen before
You remember the songs
and smells from birds,
but all the same
You trip on stones and roots
That you still recall from the past

To smell the same smells
To loose control
and do what your heart tells
Your mind has forgotten
But your cells cast magic spells,
and wells that once were closed,
is open like before

I see what I see and it's still the same
Maybe we have changed,
but I know the game
I don't know, but I'm glad you came

I've seen your face before
I've seen it, but the light has changed it all
On a beautiful night so cold,
I drank me bold and told
how I've seen you unfold,
to the woman I knew you were

That night we played with shadows,
the night consealed the feelings we both have
You know how the dark can be a mask to run things trough
before the day explains what is running through our veins


I know you now, I want you now
This is the start
I hope you now, I love u so
Don't break my heart

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